Selenium IDE 1.0.7 – Now with Drag-and-Drop!

So its a month later than planned, but Selenium IDE 1.0.7 is now available.

So its a month later than planned, but Selenium IDE 1.0.7 is now available. The delay was due to some internal build changes and not code, but one of the code changes that is there more than makes up for the delay.

That’s right, drag-and-drop has finally arrived to Se-IDE — though credit lies with Jérémy Hérault for implementing it.

Oh, and if you are Swedish, there is now a localization for you. Yes, a real one. Not just one that makes everything say Bork as was suggested to me. Although a Pirate locale might be arrr-some.

For those with version 1.0.5 or newer, the update will be pushed to you automatically over the next couple days. Those new to Selenium IDE or with 1.0.4 or older will want to install it now.

Other things of note around this release

Last modified August 7, 2021: Renaming directory (e9895f27c2)